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Jesse Gray Primary School

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Headteacher's Welcome 

Welcome to Jesse Gray Primary School, a busy, happy, ambitious place where no two days are the same.

Our School Vision, Inspire, Achieve, Challenge and Enjoy, informs all we do and is underpinned by a values based, aspirational and diverse curriculum.

The school has a robust curriculum that enables children to achieve highly, as well as many enrichment opportunities, particularly in sport and music.



To get an up to date view on what we are doing in school have a look around our website, follow us on Twitter/X, or get in touch for a visit.

The following statements are from our most recent Ofsted inspection in 2022:

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils describe Jesse Gray Primary School as their ‘special place’. They say that school life is exciting and that teachers make their learning ‘fun’. Pupils know what it means to be a ‘Jesse Gray child’. They can name the school values that help them to live well together, such as positivity and empathy. If pupils display these values, they are rewarded with special badges. They are proud to wear them on school lanyards.

Teachers make sure that pupils understand what bullying is. Pupils know that bullying is wrong. They say that if they said something unkind, a member of staff would help them to make it right. Teachers check that problems stay sorted out. Pupils say that they trust staff. Their teachers listen to them, care for them and take what they have to say seriously.



Update Letter from Mr Belton 15.09.22