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Jesse Gray Primary School

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Welcome to the F2 Information Page

  • A warm welcome to the Foundation Unit here at Jesse Gray.
  • Our vision is to create a Foundation Unit where every child enjoys learning and achieving. We do this by guiding and supporting them with high quality, focused teaching and key Early Years pedagogy. 
  • Our curriculum is carefully planned to provide a play-based and experiential learning environment. The children are provided with daily opportunities to access our indoor and outdoor provision where they are encouraged to engage in planned, focused activities as well as independently accessing  free-flow activities and self-initiated play. As part of their learning, all Foundation children attend weekly Forest School sessions which sow the seeds for what we hope will be a lifelong love for outdoor learning
  •  Learning is personalised to each child, taking into account their stage of understanding and development. We pride ourselves on working closely with our families and together we provide a nurturing, supportive and caring environment for children starting their primary education in our setting.
  • We use Seesaw to showcase and share some of the wonderful work and play-based learning that your children enjoy here. You’ll get a notification when there is a new post in your child’s journal, enabling you to be involved in their learning journey. Seesaw is encouraged as the main way of parents and carers communicating and messaging with teachers at school and we use it to share photographs, announcements, messages and more. We love to see what your child is getting up to at home so you can share this on Seesaw with photographs, video clips, notes, or they can even send us a voice message. Please use the QR code to connect.
  • We are also able to celebrate the children’s many and varied achievements  via the Twitter feeds JesseGray_FJ or JesseGray_FG
  • Please remember your child's book bag every day and a healthy snack if you wish to provide your own. Grapes should be cut up and no kiwi fruit or nuts please due to allergies.
  • PLEASE LABEL ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING as we do not have a lost property box and teach the children how to respect and care for all their belongings.
  • Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
  • FJ Miss Walster  
  • FG Ms Mehmood 

At Jesse Gray, we use Seesaw to showcase and share some of the wonderful work that your children do in school. You’ll get a notification if your child posts something new into their journal, enabling you to be involved in their learning journey. Seesaw is encouraged as the main way of parents communicating and messaging with teachers at school.  

Any questions or comments please contact us...

Victoria Walster - vwalster@ga.jessegray.notts.sch.uk

Sophia Mehmood - smehmood@ga.jessegray.notts.sch.uk

