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Jesse Gray Primary School

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Understanding authorised and unauthorised absence guidelines.

The decision to authorise absence is at the head teacher’s discretion based on their assessment of the situation. Circumstances vary from school to school, and so there can be no absolute rules on this subject. However, DfE have published strict guidelines for  schools and  local authorities. Holidays taken in term time cannot be authorised.

At  Jesse Gray, we use these guidelines in our managing of pupil attendance process.

National research has shown that poor attendance may have a negative impact on  child’s attainment and progress within school.

We want to work together with you to help ensure excellent attendance and punctuality for your child.

You can support our school, and your child, by :

  • Making sure that your child attends school regularly and on time
  • Contacting school on the first day of absence on 0115 9748002
  • Informing school of any problems which may impact on your child’s learning, punctuality and attendance
  • Arranging medical appointments outside school time where possible
  • Being punctual at the start and end of the school day

We do understand some  absence due to illness is inavoidable, but if your child has  underlying health issues which occur - please do let us know.

Contact Mr Belton, our headteacher, on 01159 748002,  if  you  would like to discuss a particular circumstance which may result in pupil absence.

Further information can be found on Nottinghamshire County council website via: http://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/education/school-discipline-and-exclusions/attendance-absence-truancy
