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Jesse Gray Primary School

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At Jesse Gray we believe that the best way to implement the maths requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum is through Challenge, Inspiration, Achievement and Enjoyment.
The highest standards of ACHIEVEMENT are promoted in mathematics and help all children to fulfil their potential regardless of gender, race or ability. Individual achievement is recognised during and at the end of each lesson, with regular basic skills assessments, and the regular celebration of success.
CHALLENGE is considered for ALL learners with teachers regularly assessing and modifying the curriculum they deliver. Challenge by choice is employed to ensure that all children have ownership of their learning and can progress in a way best suited to them.
ENJOYMENT is promoted through a creative, exciting and practical mathematics curriculum, which generates a love of, and interest in learning. Pupils are provided with rich and enjoyable mathematical experiences related to their individual needs and to the requirements of the National Curriculum.

Mathematics supports children’s logical thinking and helps build resilience in problem solving. Children are also given opportunities to appreciate the beauty of pattern and relationship in mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject adding to their spiritual wellbeing.
Through this approach we INSPIRE all children to become life-long mathematicians who always believe that they can ACHIEVE and ENJOY no matter the level of CHALLENGE.


Through our curriculum we aim to ensure all children by the end of Year 6:

▪ become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately
▪ are confident and competent in using and applying basic skills of counting and written and mental calculation
▪ reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
▪ can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication
▪ develop awareness of the uses of mathematics in the classroom and everyday life, enabling them to apply their mathematics skills and knowledge to real life situations
▪ have a positive attitude towards mathematics
▪ understand and appreciate pattern and relationship in mathematics
▪ are able to communicate clearly and fluently about mathematics, using the appropriate mathematical language.


At Jesse Gray we follow high quality mastery long term plans. We believe that all children are able to be successful mathematicians and through clear progression within year groups as well as across the school, ensure that all children are challenged. We encourage children to go ‘deeper’ rather than faster, and teachers draw upon a wide range of research inspired resources to ensure that all children go as ‘deep’ as they are able. Teachers use ongoing assessment to identify gaps and to intervene to fill those gaps as promptly as possible. Children who grasp concepts rapidly will be challenged through being offered rich and sophisticated problems before any acceleration through new content. Those who are not sufficiently fluent with earlier material will consolidate their understanding, including through additional practice, before moving on.
Teachers are well trained in assessing children’s understanding and using this to ‘move-on’ their learning. Ongoing high-quality training ensures teachers are equipped with the knowledge and resources to ensure the best for their children; we recognise all children are unique and are able to adapt our teaching in response. Formal assessments are carried out on a termly basis and these are analysed to ensure any gaps or trends are identified and responded to. This enables
all children to acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to succeed; children leave Jesse Gray seeing themselves as successful mathematicians.


The impact of having a well-structured, well-taught maths curriculum is seen at the end of each stage where children have consistently achieved good results in mathematics on National Standard Assessment Tests. In Year 4 pupils achieve scores above both regional and national averages in the multiplication check.
Regular and ongoing assessment in all year groups informs teaching, as well as intervention, to support and enable the success of each child. Children complete end of block assessments at the end of each topic and teachers use this to inform teacher assessment and future planning for gaps etc. We also use this to target areas of weakness and if needed extra revisit lessons within weekly lesson planning.
The teaching and learning of mathematics is monitored and evaluated by the maths subject lead and SLT through lesson drop ins, talking to pupils and looking regularly at the children’s work.
The maths subject lead is always available for support and will ensure staff are kept up to date with all the latest developments within the area of mathematics.

  • In lesson observations over time, evidence show that pupils are;
  • Engaged and challenged
  • Enthusiastic and confident to talk about maths
  • Making links between mathematical topics
  • Using a range of resources to support learning
  • Accessing challenges in order to extend their learning beyond fluency and achieve greater depth

Children’s maths books show evidence of;

  • Clear progression through the curriculum
  • Work that is well matched to pupils’ current attainment
  • Work that provides pupils with sufficient challenge and/or support
  • Exposure to all the key 5 areas of mathematics in the mastery approach