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Jesse Gray Primary School

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School Uniform

The school colour is red and there is a simple school uniform which children are encouraged to wear.  We request that all children wear a minimum of one item of logo’d school uniform each day.


  • Grey pinafore dress or skirt.
  • Grey or black trousers or shorts.
  • Red gingham type striped or checked dress (for summer).
  • Polo shirt with or without school logo (white or red).
  • White blouse.
  • Red cardigan, sweater or v neck jumper with or without school logo.


  • Grey or black school trousers or shorts.
  • Polo shirt with or without school logo (white or red).
  • Red v neck jumper or sweater with school logo.
  • White shirt. 

Additional logo’d item

  • Red fleece jacket with school logo


Black school shoes for boys and girls. 

Fashion shoes such as trainers, and footwear with flashing lights; flimsy, high-heeled, backless sandals or shoes with high heels/platforms are not allowed for safety reasons. Trainers are to be used for PE only, not as normal day wear.

All children will need wellies throughout the year. This enables the children to access the whole of the school site, all year round. During the wetter months, the children wear wellies for all break times. Please ensure that your child has suitable socks to keep their feet cosy - especially if they are wearing shorts in the colder months.

OUTDOOR COAT - all children require a warm, waterproof outdoor coat

LONG HAIR - we advise children with long hair to wear it tied back at school for safety or head lice prevention reasons. They must do this for PE and swimming (required by swimming pool) please note also that swimming pool regulations require a one piece swimming costume for girls.

JEWELLERY - No jewellery is allowed, except for watches and small studs for pierced ears. This is for safety reasons and to avoid the disappointment of loss or damage.

SUN HATS - The school provides the children’s first school sun hat, which the children have to wear outside during playtimes and all outdoor activities from when we return from the Easter holidays until we break up for October Half Term. Replacements can be purchased from school office.

P.E. KIT - white t shirt, black shorts or skirt, Tracksuit top/bottoms in black/dark colour for colder months and plimsolls or trainers - please store in a named PE bag.

APRONS - Children in KS1 need aprons or an old shirt for art and craft activities. Older children also find these useful.

Please ensure all clothing is marked with the child's name, 400+ red sweatshirts all look the same!!

Our uniform can be purchased from two suppliers:


S+A Uniforms

Compton Acres,

West Bridgford 

07970 875671.




Schoolwear Solutions


116-118 Bramcote Avenue




0115 925 8046 


S&A Uniforms Order Form