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Jesse Gray Primary School

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Our Curriculum image (below) shares how the Jesse Gray Values and School Aims meet with the National Curriculum to form the Jesse Gray Curriculum.

Context – what makes Jesse Gray unique

  • Jesse Gray is a larger than average primary school. 
  • Our catchment is well sought after, with each year group working at capacity and beyond.
  • We are consistently oversubscribed.
  • We serve a diverse, inclusive and embracing community.                                                                           Parents and Carers have high aspirations for their children.
  • Our Teaching and Learning  pedagogy follows the ‘Rosenshine Principles’ 
  • A broad, balanced, diverse and rich curriculum which promotes our vision and values
  • Specific targeted teaching responding to the needs of individuals and groups
  • Engagement and interaction with the aspirational members of the JG community  
  • The diversity of our school is celebrated within and around our curriculum and school
  • An enhanced teaching offer for Music, PE and French.

The Curriculum

The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the National Curriculum are used as starting points for all subjects. The National Curriculum, covers the core subjects: English, Mathematics and Science, and the foundation subjects: Computing, History, Geography, Art and Design, Design Technology, Music, Physical Education, Languages (French), Citizenship (including PSHE and RSHE) and Religious Education.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, every child, through taught and continuous provision, will have access to the following areas of learning: communication and language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development, literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design.

Our long term curriculum map indicates which topics are taught to which groups of children in which terms. Over each academic year, each child has the opportunity to experience the full range of National Curriculum subjects. Where meaningful links with areas of learning from different curriculum subjects can be made, teachers may plan a cross curricular approach to learning that encourages children to apply skills in a variety of ways.  

Our curriculum is knowledge rich. All aspects of the curriculum have been designed with progression in mind; this ensures that children build on existing skills and knowledge, which, over time, enables them to ‘know more and remember more’.  We deepen the pupils learning by choosing relevant content, exposing pupils to diversity and high aspirations.         

Subject specific curriculum plans map out the curriculum knowledge required so that it is sequential and knowledge is built upon. Medium term plans are written to ensure coverage of the foundation subjects. Short-term planning is regularly adapted to ensure that it meets the need of individual pupils.  Curriculum maps are sent out termly by each year group to parents to share the knowledge that is being taught.

Our curriculum teaches core skills in English, maths and science whilst actively ensuring that expectations remain high across the wider curriculum and these subjects are also highly promoted.

Subject specialists teach P.E, Music and French. All classes have a weekly music lesson with a dedicated music teacher.  A PE/Sports subject specialist teaches sport to all pupils in school once a week.  A Teacher with French as her specialist subject teaches French to Y3–Y6.  


We strive for all pupils to achieve their very best, by having high expectations.  All of our subjects have clear end points and pupils are assessed at regular intervals against these.  Staff  are aware of the expectations for all children and strive to go the extra mile to enable them to get there. Teachers use appropriate feedback and assessment strategies to set targets which are deliberately ambitious. The curriculum in our school is designed to provide access and opportunity for all children who attend the school. Our provision complies with the requirements set out in the SEND Code of Practice [2015].


 Beyond the classroom offer 

At Jesse Gray we value the importance of children enjoying rich, extended learning experiences. Trips, visits and experiences are carefully planned and considered to ensure they add value to the children's learning experiences. We tailor and adapt our curriculum to meet the needs of our community, and in doing so, provide a wealth of experiences throughout their time at school.

We are committed to ensuring that all our children have the opportunity to…

  • Experience residential trips.
  • Swim at least 25 metres
  • Explore their local environment
  • Take part in sports competitions
  • Experience democracy by casting a vote
  • Take part in cycling proficiency 
  • Enjoy the great outdoors
  • Be involved in charitable work
  • Visit the places of worship for some major world religions